This was a slower reading month for me than usual. Instead of 7-8, I only finished 6. Which is still a lot of books, I know, but I can’t help but feel like a reading slacker. I’ll just have to make up for it in April!
So what did I read? Check ’em out:
The Martian by Andy Weir—Kristen highly recommended this book to me. I was hesitant because it’s science fiction which, as a general rule, I don’t read. But I’m glad she was persistent because this book was AMAZING!!! I mean, if you take out a bunch of the science, which bored me to absolute tears but the fact that the author has a casual, not too over the top science nerd writing style and the main character, Mark, is a smart ass definitely made up for it. It’s a crazy interesting story that’s not completely outside the realm of reality and that helped me enjoy the book a bit more. Also interesting is the fact that this was originally a self-published eBook that was picked up by a major publishing house and has absolutely exploded. Well deserved, too.
10% Happier: How I Tamed the Voice in My Head, Reduced Stress Without Losing My Edge and Found Self-Help That Actually Worked by Dan Harris–The memoir of a news anchor who had a panic attack live on TV. I liked the book, appreciated his self-deprecating humor and honesty regarding his issues and addictions, but to me, it was more of an advertisement for meditation rather than a memoir. If you’re into meditation, you might appreciate his journey more than I did.
The Son by Jo Nesbo–I’d had this book on my to-read list for awhile and finally got the eBook. All 500 pages of it. I thought the length was a joke at first. It was not. Now, please understand that I love mysteries and thrillers but this book did not do it for me. It was too long, there were too many characters and subplots and the main story, or a good part of it, was completely implausible. That said, it did keep me interested enough to finish the whole book and I will read more books by this guy.
Deadline by John Sandford—Erin talked about this one last month and it seemed like something I’d enjoy since it appeared to be in a similar vein to Nelson DeMille. Which it was. I liked the premise of main plot and found it to be an intriguing, engaging story with just enough humor and violence. The secondary plot? Meh. I could have lived without it OR he could have separated them into two books because both make interesting enough stories to hang out on their own. This a good beach/vacation/summer read.
Stolen by Lucy Christopher–Loved this book. LOVED. Written from the perspective of a kidnapped teenage girl as a letter to her kidnapper, it was a fantastic story about Stockholm Syndrome that also has me terrified of the Australian Outback because why do all the dangerous things in the world live in Australia? Anyway. I enjoyed how the author portrayed both Gemma and Ty as sympathetic and she made them both complex instead of one dimensional characters which, in this kind of book, was completely possible. And the parts with the camel made me tear up. Read the book and you’ll know what I mean.
Mobile Library by David Whitehouse—Disclaimer: I’m not 100% done with this book but I’ll finish it in the next day so I’m writing about it now rather than holding it over because I’m pretty sure my opinion won’t change. So. This book. I will say that it’s well written and descriptive and some of the parts (specifically, the bullying and the abuse and the longing for a mother who left him) were realistic and painful and that’s awesome reading. However. I found the primary relationship in the book–the one between Val and Bobby (who are 40 and 13, respectively)–moderately disturbing, and some of Bobby’s…habits disgusted me. As in, they made me nauseous. I think those two factors swayed my opinion more than they should so maybe if you read this, you’ll like it more than I did because they don’t bother you.
If I had to pick my favorite from the month, it’d be The Martian or Stolen. Definitely add those to your to-read list (have I mentioned that the flurry of Goodreads activity on SUYB day is such fun to watch?).
What did you guys read? Let us know! Nonbloggers, leave a comment with what you’ve read this past month.
I’m so glad that we can discuss Stolen. I’m emailing you after I type this. Mobile Library. I just read about it on goodreads…I’m trying to decide. There’s a part of me that says “read this”, and another part of me that says “give it a pass”.
I think I could fall for Virgil Flowers. That may be why I like the books he’s in. It doesn’t hurt anyway.
Erin recently posted…List #25 – I’ll show you my books, you show me yours…
Stolen sounds really good, going to check it out. I love the activity from this linkup. I always end up adding at least a dozen books to my list! 🙂
Kerry recently posted…March Books I’ve Read
Between you, Stephanie and Kristen, clearly I need to read The Martian. I get it. Haha 🙂 Also, Stolen sounds pretty interesting!!! I hope to get in lots of books this month.
Nadine recently posted…The Beach House
i have the son on my “Later” shelf so i’m glad that you liked it. i was going to get stolen but then i realized what it was about and since i had kayla, i have trouble reading or watching anything where harm comes to children! #pansyass
kathy@realtalk recently posted…peep show: books
I read The Martian a couple months ago and LOVED it! I thought it was really good, even with the science and math that I didn’t really follow (it’s not my thing lol). I can’t wait to see the movie!
Julie @ Artwork by JM recently posted…What I’ve read recently
I added Stolen to my list!
500 pages for a mystery novel? GTFO!
SMD @ Life According to Steph recently posted…Show Us Your Books – What I Read in March
wow I had no idea it was a self published ebook!! that is amazing! i really think that the science and math stuff wasn’t that bad for me because i listened to it, but i am so so glad everyone i am recommending it to is liking it lol.
that Stolen book is on my list – though come on, not ALL the dangerous things live in the Australian outback, there are plenty crazy deadly scary dangerous things in the US!
kristen recently posted…Books Lately
500 page books have to be something I really want to read, I’m not sure how pages work on an ereader but I prefer books in the 300 – 400 range page wise.
I’m not sure I’ll read The Martian but it’s very interesting that it was an independently published ebook before it ended up on library wait lists everywhere.
Kelli recently posted…It’s All About The Books – Vol. 2
Kristen convinced me to put The Martian on my list too, even though it’s one I would normally never gravitate towards so I’m glad you gave it such a good review too! I’ve seen 10% happier pop up in a few places and I had been on the fence about adding it to my to read list, but I’ll probably skip it now knowing it focuses so much on meditation.
Carly Blogs Here recently posted…Four Hits & One Miss
Kristen totally convinced me to add The Martian to my list too! It’s not something I would normally gravitate towards but I’m happy to hear you gave it a good review too- I still have quite a ways on the hold list, but I’m excited to eventually read it! I’ve wondered about 10% Happier too- it sounded like something I would maybe like, but there was always something iffy about it keeping me from adding it to my to read list, so now knowing it’s so much about meditation I’ll definitely probably skip it.
The premise of Stolen sounds familiar. I think I have that marked somewhere that I wanted to read it. I left a comment on Steph’s post about The Martian. All I have to say is that I love, love, loved it. I was blown away and surprised by how good it was.
Rose recently posted…March Book Review
The Martian’s on my to-read list, but don’t know when I’ll get around to it – I’m a ridiculously slow reader! Or I just prioritise other things above reading. *sigh* Just about finished Bill Nye’s Undeniable: Evolution and the Science of Creation – great read. I flip between reading fiction and fact, and this was a great read. He doesn’t get too bogged down with the science and he writes with such enthusiasm.
Jaina recently posted…Project 365: February & March Recap
I absolutely LOVED the Martian! It was amazing!
And I am totally going to check out Stolen!
Kateri Von Steal recently posted…Recipe – Work Stress Unlocked – Bus Stop – Jergens
I added The Martian & Stolen to my list! I love all the great book recommendations I get from this link up. I sit with the library app open to place books on hold 🙂
Mariah-Food, Booze, & Baggage recently posted…Roasted Strawberry Overnight Oats
Stolen sounds amazing and I agree there are quite some Terrifying things in the Outback!! xo, Biana – BlovedBoston
Great books! I have to read Stolen and The Martian for sure. I think The Martian is actually another book club pick too. 10% Better has been on my to-read list also. I’m hoping to get more reading done this month.
Karen recently posted…March Book Round-Up
Yay books!
I finished The Lives Of Midwives and it was a good one.
Amber recently posted…Hey, It’s Okay Tuesday!
Stolen sounds great! I might have to add that to my list!
Kelly @ Finding a Skinnier Me recently posted…Show Us Your Books
I love the flurry of activity on these link-up days too :). Gonna put Stolen on my list and I can’t wait to read The Martian. Very cool that it was a self-published book that got picked up!
lisacng @ recently posted…Lose the Cape {book review}
I’m adding Stolen to my list. I’m so hesitant to try The Martian because of the science, but people are really loving it. Hmmm…
Christina recently posted…What I Read In March
Ok so thats two posts in a row recommending the Martian. I have been avoiding the book and I think Im going to take the plunge!
Kay R. recently posted…A racing weekend
I recently finished Her. I forget the author, but it keeps you guessing.
These books sound good too!
Amber recently posted…Things That Annoy Me Thursday: The Kylie Jenner Lip Challenge
And I realized I already commented on this post, ha. Oops! But yeah, I recommend Her!
Amber recently posted…Things That Annoy Me Thursday: The Kylie Jenner Lip Challenge