How the hell did February fly by so quickly? I don’t know if it has something to do with it only being 28 days or if they all morphed into one long, snowy, cold day but the fact that it’s March is amazing to me.
But with the new month means a new round of goals with Steph, Stephanie, and Ashley and that’s always fun. I love the theme of this month, too: relationships. We’ll get to that in a minute. For now, though, let’s recap how I did on my February create goals.
I only had 3–write my 40 by 40 list, write my already done list, and create my recipe binder. Then, if time permitted, I was going to edit some of the stories my husband has written for our daughter. Let me be honest and upfront. I did not do any editing of those stories. They need it, badly, but I’ll have to work on those another time.
For the other three, I did them all! Well, mostly. You can read the 40 by 40 list and the All These Things That I’ve Done list and, as for the recipe binder, I did clean it out but because my laptop will not connect to our printer, I couldn’t print any of the ones I want to add. I did, however, make a list of all the recipes I want to print and/or hand write and put in the binder (mostly family favorites and a few others I want to try) so it’s a half-pass.
Of note from the list (only one side is pictured. And I don’t know if the spots are water stains, bacon grease stains or something else)–my family eats an extraordinary amount of foods with ranch dressing in them. And chicken.
So, yay for me conquering February! I even started working out again as a way of creating a healthy routine for myself so that’s a bonus.
Now, March.
This one is a great topic and one I need to commit to. I’m great at spending time with my husband and my daughter sans technology and I’m pretty good at playing with my dogs, too. The cat is an asshole so she doesn’t count. I don’t have too many friends but the ones I do, I’m pretty good about seeing or talking to when my life isn’t held hostage by cheerleading (and I’m even making friends with the other parents! Who knew?). The one area I do fail in as far as relationships is with my parents, my grandmother, and my little sister.
I do not call, text, visit, or speak to them often enough. Granted, from August-April, time is stretched thin for face to face visits but there’s no reason I can’t pick up the phone and call or text my sister. I also need to make sure that I’m texting/calling/seeing some friends a bit more than I do.
That being said, my goals for March are:
- Call my grandmother at least twice.
- Speak to my mom and dad every week.
- Text my little sister at least twice (I speak to my middle sister pretty often and we’re going to Disney with her, my brother-in-law, and nephew in April so she gets a pass)
- Make plans with friends I haven’t seen in awhile (looking at you, Steph!)
- Get better about responding to emails from other bloggers
These are not difficult goals but ones that I can accomplish as long as I try and make the effort.
Now I leave you with an ecard that has a quote I first heard from my friend Marcy back in college and it’s still hilarious
Are you guys making any relationship goals for March? What are they?
i’m not sure if i’m going to do the march linkup although my relationship with my mom has been on my mind lately. it’s a bit sensitive and i feel like an asshole daughter at times …. so we’ll see!
kathy@real talk recently posted…thursday thoughts
You did great for February! And I enjoyed your lists. I think the last one is a full pass because technology screwed you but the intent was there and the pre-work done up until the tech fail.
Great goals for March. I email with my Mom daily, talk to my Dad at least once a week, and call my grandparents once a week. The last one became easier as since I lost my other Grandmom. Time does fly and soon they won’t be around to call.
Can’t wait to see you this month!
SMD @ Life According to Steph recently posted…Choose Your Own Adventure – I fail at creativity
Good job on the Feb goals and LOL on that ecard! My side of the family just doesn’t communicate with each other very often, and we’re ok with that. Nevertheless, you’ve reminded to just send a text (at least!).
lisacng @ recently posted…Februrary goals – Create
Being the oldest of 6 and Rich being one of 6, we have a ton of family, but, you really become engrossed with your own life and as everyone gets married off- meaning the offspring of our siblings, the get togethers are not as frequent or well-attended. And guess what, that’s ok! I am beyond thrilled that I can stay in touch daily with all of my chickens and my one sister via text, email, or phone. And my husband and I have been home with each other since 2005 for the most part. It works real well and our home is happy!
Everyone has to do what their gut tells them to do.
The only person you should judge is yourself.
Love, SMD’s Momma
Congrats on the Feb goals! With the exception of a select few, I’m so bad at calling/texting/talking to friends/family back in MN. I need to get better at that.
Bri @ My Life As recently posted…Creativity Is Just Connecting Things
Yay on your February goals. Good luck with your new ones.
Amber recently posted…Things That Annoy Me Thursday: That DRESS!
I love that you are going to talk to your grandmother. I really need to work on that one in my own life. Good luck!
Ashley Servis recently posted…{Link Up} Monthly Themed Friday Vol 10
oh my gosh that ecard had me laughing so hard. love it.
i definitely need to work on calling my family more. there really isn’t any excuse, and i know i will regret it down the line if i didn’t take the opportunity when i had it.
Not sure why this just came into my bloglovin feed. Love your goal list. I am so bad about calling people sometimes. All very manageable goals.
Umm this post literally just popped up on bloglovin so I guess I missed it at some point? Love your goals to speak to your fam more. Esp your grams. Cherish every moment!
Kay R. recently posted…Weekending – Samurai Sushi and other yummies