If you’re in the Northeast, you’re probably stuck inside because of the snow. If you live anywhere else and you’re antisocial/introverted like me, you’re probably stuck inside because people freak you out. And if you’re a normal person with normal attitudes towards others, you probably just like to binge watch TV shows because, let’s face it, it’s fun.
But maybe you look at Netflix or Amazon and get overwhelmed at the amount of choices you have for shows to binge watch. That’s where I come in. I, your friendly neighborhood binge watcher, am here to give you some guidance on what you should lose sleep over next weekend.
I thought about making this a comprehensive list, comprised of a number of shows from different genres but I don’t watch soap opera-y, overly dramatic shows like Scandal or Revenge and I’ve never seen an episode of Gilmore Girls (I tend not to watch most shows like that) and as far as documentary style shows, I mostly just watch anything with Morgan Spurlock as the host. So, as I mentioned last week, we’re going to stick with violent, gritty crime shows.
Except for the addition of Freaks and Geeks and Friday Night Lights. Watch those, too. Seriously. They’re two of my most favorite shows ever and you won’t be sorry for the time you’ll spend watching them and in fact, you’ll probably watch them each more than once (which is less time for Freaks and Geeks than FNL because F&G only has 18 episodes) and when you’re done with them, let me know so you can tell me that I was right about their sheer awesomeness.
Note: the shows on this list are culled from what’s on Netflix and Amazon, which is why previously mentioned shows like SouthLAnd are not on here. I want to make it easy for you to find them, not have to wait days for the library to find the DVDs.
That said, here’s my list of 6 shows you need to binge watch (that aren’t Orange Is the New Black):
Sons of Anarchy. On the list with FNL and F&G as one of my all-time favorites. If you’ve passed on this one, get yourself right and watch it. Sure, it’s graphic and violent and a bit over the top and you’ll find yourself wondering how Jax NEVER gets blood on his shoes but it’s a well written, engrossing show filled with weird, detestable and also likable bikers, racists, and gang members. Found on Netflix and Amazon

The Shield. I watched this after I finished SOA, so it was fun to see all the connections between the two shows (thanks to Kurt Sutter). Vic Mackey, the main character, is one of the most reprehensible, morally ambiguous, yet highly likable characters I’ve watched. The show is nonstop, edge of your seat drama and occasionally, you’ll have to remind yourself to breathe. Found on Amazon
Oz. This show is tough to stomach sometimes. It was on HBO so the graphic violence quotient is insanely high. So high it makes SOA look like a regular primetime network show. It takes place inside a prison and they use actual former inmates as extras and yes, things are exaggerated for dramatic effect but it feels so freaking real, it’s ridiculous. Also, once you watch it, you’ll never look at Christopher Meloni the same. Found on Amazon
The Wire. All I can say about this show is WATCH IT. I thought SouthLAnd was my favorite cop/crime drama of all time but nope. The Wire is. Every one of the five seasons is incredible and its portrayal of life in that world, both on the streets and the politics among the police and city officials, is dead on balls accurate. Season 4 kicked me in the gut especially hard (because kids) and I plan to rewatch all 5 seasons at some point. Found on Amazon.
The Killing. A warning. Season 2 sucked hard. But don’t let that deter you from this show. It’s dark and rainy and there’s all kinds of twists and turns that get you at just the right moment and unlike the other shows, the graphic violence isn’t always gratuitous. There’s usually a reason for it. However, like the other shows, the leads are completely flawed protagonists but it just makes them all the more watchable. If nothing else, watch it for Detective Holder’s one-liners. Found on Netflix
Justified. This show’s final season started last week so if you set your DVR now, you won’t have that horrible lag time between finishing a show and waiting for the next season. I can’t remember how I heard about this one, just that I did and it sounded like something I would like and, fun fact, it’s actually the reason I signed up for Amazon Prime (it’s on Netflix now, too). The show is based on an Elmore Leonard short story, is set in Kentucky and is about yet another morally ambiguous law person, Raylan Givens, and his sworn enemy, Boyd Crowder (played by Walton Goggins. He’s in 3 of the shows on this list. I’m trying to figure that one out). Found on Amazon and Netflix.
Honorable mentions: Hell on Wheels, Breaking Bad, The Sopranos, White Collar (a little lighter than the rest), Longmire, Rescue Me, and Prison Break (also a little lighter, and you can totally tell when it started going off the rails but Wentworth Miller).
What are your binge watching recommendations?
I have not seen a single one of these shows on your list. Sounds like I have lots of TV to catch up on…
Nadine recently posted…Weekend Shenanigans
Yes. You do. A LOT of TV.
I love FNL and SOA!!! I couldn’t get into the Wire, I tried. 🙁 The Killing and Justified are both really good! Great list!
Kerry recently posted…Spinach Butternut Squash Frittata
It makes me sad that you didn’t like The Wire but I get that it’s not for everyone.
TV really doesn’t get much better than FNL.
Oh man… I’m such a lightweight. I just cannot watch shows like this. This violence… it just kills me. The only one you mentioned that I’ve even seen a few episodes of was Prison Break and it was too much for me. I’ve been watching Friends, maybe I need to try Gilmore Girls next? =)
Sarah @ Beauty School Dropout recently posted…Sam at 18 months
I could not tell you about Gilmore Girls because I’ve never seen a single episode but the kids seem to like it. I haven’t watched Friends because I can just watch it on regular TV 🙂
I get that the violence isn’t for everyone. My husband won’t even stay in the room with me when I watch The Following. He’s watched SOA and Oz and Rescue Me but the other stuff, he doesn’t care for.
the shield and SOA are 2 of my FAV shows of all time! i love oz but damn, those prision rape scenes…i can’t handle that.
another one i love: banshee. if you liked SOA and shield, i guarantee you’ll LOVE this one. it just started its 3rd season but damn, S1 and S2 are OMFG so good!!
kathy @ real talk recently posted…currently…
The prison rape scenes are hard to watch. I tend to look away.
I’ve never heard of Banshee. I just looked it up and it seems completely like my kind of show except we don’t have Cinemax!!! I’ll have to look and see if I can find it somewhere else.
I need to make The Shield happen. By all accounts, I’ll love it.
My recommendations are The Sopranos, The Wire, Friday Night Lights, Sons, The Killing, The Fall, Downton Abbey.
SMD @ Life According to Steph recently posted…Breakfast Burritos. Ole.
Yes. Make The Shield happen.
I have no interest in Downton Abby. Or Game of Thrones. Or The Walking Dead. I don’t think I’m fit for normal, modern society sometimes. I’ve never heard of The Fall and we have similar taste in TV shows so I will have to look into it.
I was glad they wrapped up the killing instead of leaving you hanging but I definitely want more seasons! I haven’t watched the others. The Shield will happen soon though, it’s John’s favorite and we bought it on DVD so I have no excuse now!
Stephanie recently posted…10 Best // Ways to Avoid People
The Killing had a perfect ending! Yes, I’d like to see more but I’m totally satisfied with the way they ended it. I was ELATED when Netflix picked it up. Like they did for Longmire.
You will LOVE The Shield. Amazing, amazing show.
Awesome selection. Justified – I will be so gutted when it’s all over. Such a fab show to marathon. Same with The Wire, though … I think after about 6 episodes I needed to watch something like Friends just to break up the depressing-ness!
Think one of my favourite comedies to binge watch is Better Off Ted. Only lasted a couple of seasons, despite it being funny as HELL. Hilarious comedy. No laughter track. Just good, smart, funny, jokes.
Jaina recently posted…Photo: The Bahrain Sunset
I remember that show! I never watched it but I r wremember all the commercials and stuff for it.
I’m dreading the finale of Justified, although I’m curious to see how it all wraps up.
It feels like they’re bringing this to a real end, from the first couple of episodes. I’m just wondering who’s going to be spared by the end of the season. Have a feeling it’s going to be rough!
Jaina recently posted…Soundtrack Pick: Gone Girl
hahaha i’m not gonna lie, these all seem like shows i would not enjoy.. i’m definitely into the fluffier ones like scandal, revenge and gilmore girls! right now i’m watching arrow. no shame.
kristen recently posted…Running Tips for Beginners (& my expativersary)
I like the occasional fluffy show but I’m totally drawn to this stuff. I don’t like superhero/sci-fi stuff, either. That’s why I love how many choices there are. Something for everyone!
I haven’t actually seen it yet but I would love to binge watch Orange Is The New Black. I also heard that House of Cards is really good. The one show I got into this year and last is Resurrection on ABC. I hung in there for the series and I really like it!
Karen recently posted…Funny Girl By Nick Hornby
I need to try House of Cards again. I couldn’t make it past the first scene of the first episode. OITNB is awesome and definitely worth watching but I feel that all the other shows tend to get overshadowed by it. I don’t know that I’ve watched Resurrection. Is that the one with Red from That 70s Show?
Oz is my favorite series ever. (I hope that isn’t a poor reflection on my personality; I swear I’m not violent and have never served prison time).
I definitely want to watch SOA, Breaking Bad, and True Detective. I’ve heard great things and never got around to them. (Again, I’m NOT a violent person).
A couple of years ago, I spent a couple of weeks watching the entire series of Gossip Girl. It was awful and brilliant television all wrapped up in one series!
Erin recently posted…Sunday’s Seven Snapshots #9
OMG, no judging at all. I LOVE violent TV shows (clearly) and I’m about as nonaggressive as they get. I guess the shows are how I act it out 🙂
True Detective was fantastic. I highly recommend it, too!
i’ve only seen SOA, which i LOVED. and i’m a huge F&G fan.
ellesees recently posted…1st Anniversary: Coffee & Chit Chat for January (ULTA Giveaway)
I feel like I binge-watch shows all the time, then realize that there are so many more! Friday Night Lights and The Wire are next on my list. But I also want to see White Collar and I just talked to a friend about Oz a few days ago and now want to watch that too. I need more time in my life!
Christina recently posted…Best Picture Nominees
I need to check some of these out!
I tried SOA but I just couldn’t get into it. My friend recommended The Tudors. Have you seen that one? I’m watching the gilmore girls even though I don’t love it. It’s there when I need something light and fluffy. But it’s pretty annoying. And of you course you know how I feel about FNL. I just keep re-watching. It’s a sick obsession.
Tonya@Budget and the Beach recently posted…January Recap/February Goals
SOA is, admittedly, not for everyone. I don’t think I’d like The Tudors. I don’t like historical/period drama stuff.
There is nothing sick about being obsessed with FNL.
Walton Goggins is the SHIT! I seriously LOVE him! I’m sad this is the last season of Justified. 🙁
Amanda recently posted…Mooooooooooo!