Today’s my mom’s birthday. I don’t talk too much about my parents or siblings for various reasons but today I have a good one for breaking that general rule since today we’re going to discuss all the ways I’m actually turning into my mother.
To be clear, there are worse people I could turn into. My mom is a pretty great person so there’s nothing I’m necessarily ashamed of when I open my mouth and my mother comes out. It’s just fucking weird.
Let’s assess.
- I burst into song in the middle of conversations. If I don’t do it out loud, you can bet there’s a concert going on in my head. My mom does this except 100% of the time she will sing, even if you’re still talking.
- My mother will strike up conversations with anyone, anywhere. I do this, too.
- You know those people who cropdust in stores? My mother is one of them. Also me now.
- Getting teary eyed at the smallest, most mundane things. Mostly my heart and soul are black but if the right commercial or song or TV character death comes along, add instant tears.
- When it comes to meal planning, I cook a shit ton of chicken. My mother made so much chicken when I was growing up, it prompted my father to tell her he was going to sprout feathers. I think the husband is one chicken parm away from this same comment.
- Pregnancy brain. We’re both severely afflicted. Even if we’re not currently pregnant and, in my mom’s case, her youngest is 28.
- A high level of yenta-ness. My mother loves town gossip and sticking her nose into other people’s business even from afar. I consider this my Jedi training and why I am amazing at clandestine viewing of the neighbors.
- We’re both huge bookworms. I have nothing snarky to say about this because books.
- Math. She can’t do it and neither can I. Especially when it comes to a checkbook. Why yes, 8 minus 6 does equal 3. It’s the new math.
- I spend approximately 8 million hours complaining that laundry is my life. Guess where I learned that?
- And then there’s also this concern
Happy birthday, Mom!! I’m so glad you weren’t born on a leap year because that would be confusing!
Are you guys turning into one of your parents? Is it just me?
Happy birthday to your mom! It’s hard not to pick up stuff from one’s mother.
Enjoyed reading this!
Love. Steph’s. Momma.
I thought it wouldn’t happen yet here I am.
Happy Birthday to your mom!!! She sounds like a wonderful woman! I get my reading and chattyness from my mom too 🙂 And I also picked up her huge shopping addiction and need for pretty, sparkly things 🙂 Just wait til you start hearing your daughter sound like you, its going to be so awesome!
Nadine recently posted…Carrot Fries
The child is such a smart ass, there’s no question she’s my daughter.
Ha, in my post idea list I have written “turning into my mom”! Must be something we all notice as we get older? I catch myself doing “mom” things all the time, especially now that I have a kid.
Kelli recently posted…I…
I think having a kid definitely expedited the transition.
LOL! It is REALLY really weird to realize you are your parent. So many things I do and say I think well fuck I’m my dad now.
Happy birthday to your Mom! She sounds awesome.
SMD @ Life According to Steph recently posted…Hello, March
It’s amazing how the harder you resist, the more it happens.
This post is too funny, and I don’t think that you’re the only one that feels like they’re turning into their mother. I can feel myself start to tell the same stories over and over again, just like my mom! Happy birthday to your mom!
Ashley @ The Wandering Weekenders recently posted…Literary Ladies Book Club- You Had Me At Hello
I think I’m pretty good about not repeating stories but I probably do it more than I think I do.
It used to drive me crazy when my mom couldn’t remember the name of an actor or a movie. Like not one thing…even the plot…and now…that’s happening to me. I used to be an encyclopedia of movie knowledge, but now I’m constantly forgetful. 🙁
Tonya@Budget and the Beach recently posted…February Recap
I am so forgetful, it’s ridiculous. Yesterday I couldn’t find my grocery list so I wrote another one. You know where the original one was? On my fridge. Forgot I put it there.
haha! i’m totally turning into my dad. he’d tell us stories of when he was growing up dirt poor and how he didn’t have this or that and now i’m doing the same with kayla!
I love that your mom interrupts convos with singing! I laughed out loud. Maybe one day the concert won’t just be in your head :). I’m definitely becoming my mom with the “lies” I tell my kids like not watching TV so close to it (you’ll go blind). Gosh, I know there’s more!!!
lisacng @ recently posted…Legoland {photos}
She does it and she has no shame about it, either.
I totally have these moments! My mom & I are very different personalities, but I will notice certain mannerisms or sayings that are EXACTLY like her.
Also, I can tell when my hubby is acting like his parents. There will be moments I just look at him and go “You know that is exactly like your mother/dad.” Haha. It gets us all!
YES! My mom bought me a decorative pillow once: “Mirror mirror on the wall; I’ve become my mother after all” — it’s so true. My mom and I can be very different but I’ve inherited so many of her personality traits (the good AND the bad). We’re both SUCH gossip queens.
Happy birthday to your mom!
Ali A recently posted…Don’t Feel Sorry for Me: The Perks of Single Life
Happy Birthday to your mom! I love that you got your love of books from your mom 🙂
Mackenzie recently posted…Spend Now Or Spend Later
Happy birthday to your Mom, Jana! I am definitely seeing more and more of my parents in me and the choices I make, which can occasionally be scary. 🙂 My parents are good people overall but they are very, very pragmatic, which isn’t bad, but they aren’t big dreamers. I am and work hard to safeguard that part of me because it is precious to me. And I love that your Mom breaks into song constantly!
Tanya @ A Mindful Migration recently posted…No More Justifying How I Spend My Money
awww happy birthday to your mom! i am absolutely turning into my mother, and then in other ways i’m nothing like her. but i like the ways i am.
That comment about talking to anyone, anywhere – that is MY mom. Then, I got visions in my head of our mothers meeting and talking non-stop and busting out in song and becoming besties. You know, the flight here is a long one. I picked my mother up at the airport. She was telling people bye all over the place. She’d met people in the seats. She’d met others in the back of the plane stretching her legs. She’d met others in customs. Happy birthday Jana’s mom!
TexErin recently posted…Things I wanted to be; things I did instead
Yenta-ness. Love it!
Whenever my mom visits, I’m acutely aware of how much we sound alike and intone about the same. For days after she leaves, I’m self-conscious.
thankfully, i don’t act like mine. let’s just say i’m chill and don’t have a temper. but i do hear this all the time about turning into your mom!! i sing mid convo too. recently posted…Best Ways to Remove Facial Hair
Happy birthday to your mom (a couple of days late)! The random singing outbursts cracked me up. I sing randomly because I almost always have a song in my head, but I don’t know that I’ve actually interrupted conversations by bursting into song. Haha.
My mom and I have always been a lot alike, but I wouldn’t say I’m turning into her. Not yet anyway!
Kristen recently posted…February 2016 Goals and Results
Happy belated birthday to your mom!
I’ve been watching my friends turn into their mothers for years, since high school even, and the first time I sneezed and heard my mom’s sneeze in it, I jumped about a foot. My transformation didn’t start til after she died, I guess but it’s unsettling nonetheless!
Revanche recently posted…Just a little (link) love: babies and twins edition
Happy birthday to your mom! I’m also turning into my mother. My sister is too and we catch each other on it all the time. I’m convinced pregnancy brain doesn’t go away when the baby comes out! My mom’s biggest problem is worrying and I’m not as bad as she is (and don’t think I ever will be; she was a worrier at age 6), but it’s creeping up on me.
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