I’m starting to really like these monthly features. It’s helping with my SEVERE writer’s block plus it’s easy to schedule and quick to write. Except I need to do a better job of keeping a running list of topics because when I can’t think of any, that adds a whole new challenge. I don’t need more challenges. I’m all full.
So, that said, I present another edition of three things (I know I need a better logo design for this. One day. One day).
Movies I quote often
- The Breakfast Club
- I Love You, Man
- Spaceballs
Podcasts I can’t stop recommending
- Conversations with People Who Hate Me
- Homecoming
- Limetown
Apps I use every day
- My bank
- At Bat
Words I hate
- Girlboss
- Overwhelm (as a noun. Not “overwhelming” as an adjective)
- Mushroom
Most recent Amazon purchases
- A sign language book for my daughter
- Reusable Bento boxes
- Dr. Grip pens
Weird foods I eat (or, stuff that most people find disgusting)
- Black licorice jelly beans
- Mint chocolate chip ice cream with peanut butter sauce
- Ketchup on eggs
Things I’m excited for in April
- My sister’s wedding
- An overnight trip–ALONE–to NYC
- My daughter’s competition in Baltimore
So, tell me three things going on with you and/or leave me a topic for next month
Just, in general, you hate the word “mushroom”? I hate the word girlboss, too. Boss works just fine, thank you very much.
I quote Talladega Nights daily.
Audrey recently posted…The Roaring Swinging Fabulous Groovy Blog Collaboration | The 1930s
People use overwhelm as a noun? How?
SMD recently posted…Shit MFD Said: Vol 46
“I’m in the overwhelm” or “The overwhelm is real”….eyerolls
Makes me think of ” I know you can be overwhelmed, and you can be underwhelmed, but can you ever just be whelmed?” I don’t quote 10 Things I Hate About You often but I immediately thought of this quote from your hated words list!
Now I know people who don’t like mushrooms but never anyone who didn’t like the word. If I may ask, why? One word that bothers me, and yet I use it all the time (it bothers me most in written form), is “got”. I used to eat my eggs with ketchup too, because that’s how my parents ate them, so that one doesn’t faze me. I hate black licorice. Nope, nope, nope. Now I like mint ice cream and I like peanut butter, but I’m not 100% sold on the combination! For whatever reason I’ve never been able to get into podcasts but I have a hard time with audio books too and they fall into the same bucket for me.
Tanya @ A Mindful Migration recently posted…I Regained Some Weight. Now What?
Wait…there are actually people who use the word overwhelm wrong? I know we’ve discussed this before, but I want to rid the world of the word girl boss. Nothing sends me into a rant quite as easily as that does. Ooh what do you have on your agenda on your overnight solo NYC trip?
Your April sounds pretty awesome!! I would love an overnight trip alone to NYC haha
Heather recently posted…A Few Things I Recommend
I HATE the term “girl boss.” It’s so stupid. Also, I’m stealing this idea; posting mine later in the week!
Also, I love ketchup on eggs!
Ali recently posted…8 Things I’ve Learned After Moving
Ick, I hate girlboss too! Just be boss! Do you like the bento boxes you got? If so, what did you get?
Nadine recently posted…TBB Asks – Spring and Easter Shenanigans
I do a three things post every month- but only one category because I’m lazy. One thing on my idea list is “three favorite adult beverages.”
Girlboss is dumb. I also hate the phrase bossbabe so much.
Many people I know do the eggs/ketchup thing (mostly east coasters, maybe?), but I can’t even look at it without feeling sick lol. Like, since I was little and my brother would do it.
For some reason I thought Girlboss was a book, not an actual phrase people use. Clearly I am behind the times.
Ketchup on eggs… depends on the eggs. If they’re fried and part of a full English breakfast it’s perfectly normal – in Britain at least. Although fried eggs make me feel sick and I hate ketchup in general so I wouldn’t personally do it 😉
Confuzzled Bev recently posted…A gathering of thoughts
Mushroom? that’s so funny. Is it because of the food or just the sound of the word?
Does your daughter want to learn sign language? There’s a great app out there that you can look up every word & watch a video of the word 🙂
I too love black licorice or black jellybeans. Do you know they’re bad for a bad heart… something in the black licorice does something to it… I always had to be careful when I was under a cardiologist care. It would make my heart race. Fun fact 🙂 haha
Rebecca Jo recently posted…One Sentence A Day – March 2018 Edition
Ooh looks like you have some really fun events coming up. That’s awesome. I’m one of those crazy people that eat ketchup on tons of things, like mac and cheese. LOL So totally not judging you and the eggs – I’ve probably done it at some point too.
ShootingStarsMag recently posted…Glossies (and Oprah) Made Me Do It
I love quoting Elf, but I mostly sing random songs from musicals in strange circumstances.
Have fun in your NYC trip!!