- Finished Fortune Smiles and mostly done with Bootstrapper. Still plugging away at Owen Meany but he and I have a date during this snowy weekend. Show Us Your Books is on February 9th and Steph and I have something special launching that day, too. *cue mystery music*
- Watched DC’s Legends of Tomorrow because Wentworth Miller. That is all. Literally. That’s the only reason I watched it. Comic books shows and movies can suck it. Except this one. Because Wentworth Miller.
- Dean Bakopoulos and his wife (who is also an author and whose book I am waiting for from the library because when your favorite author is married to an author, you read her books, too) followed me on Instagram so clearly we’re besties for life now. Oh? You don’t follow me? You want to be awesome like Dean B.? Go follow me then. I post a lot of dog and book pictures. You’ve been warned.
- Didn’t cook anything new or exciting this week. Probably won’t over the weekend either because snow makes me even lazier (if that’s possible).
- RIP Glenn Frey. It’s making me sad how many artists are dying right now so I’m pleading with you, Billy Joel, all the members of Rush, and a few others whose names are escaping my head right now: be careful out there. PLEASE.
- Rant and prolific use of the “f” word ahead: Dear sick fucks who think it’s funny to send robocalls with bomb threats to elementary schools, What the fuck is wrong with you? Seriously? Kids? What the hell did they do to you? They’re just doing what they’re supposed to be doing which is going to school and learning. How fucking dare you make them scared to be in one of the few places they should feel 100% safe. How dare you put that stress on teachers and parents. How dare you ever make a 9 year old cry on her couch, not wanting to go to school because she’s terrified something might happen to her. I don’t know what your motivation is, you fucking cowards, but knock it the fuck off. It’s not funny or crafty or even remotely amusing. It’s also a fucking felony. I hope you enjoy prison when you’re caught, you pieces of shit, and I hope that the terror you feel locked in a cell is even remotely close to what you’re doing to these kids. Because THAT would be justice.
- Speaking of justice, you know I had to bring up Making a Murderer again, right? Well, here’s a great piece in the New Yorker about how it went wrong (it’s an interesting perspective) and trust me on the next one, a video interview with Ken Kratz. Take 8 minutes and watch it. You will NOT be sorry.
- Internet reads not about MAM: 80 books every person should read, a list from Esquire magazine that they published only in response to the backlash they received for their first list, 80 books every man should read. It’s a men’s magazine so while the original list might have lacked diversity, it went for their target audience. I get it. This list of the most anticipated nonfiction books of 2016. As a nonfiction fan, I will be all over some of them. Especially the one by Tig Notaro. And one more bookish link for you, this weird one from Book Riot from someone who seems to be attempting to enjoy short stories by making herself read them (this topic is a post unto itself). I’ve been reading short stories lately and they are hit or miss but you must put Nickolas Butler’s Beneath the Bonfire on your TBR even if you don’t like short stories that much because really, you just need to be reading his books.
- Funnies:
Have a great weekend, guys! I’ll be snowed into my house, working on some things and reading and napping and dogsitting our favorite dachshund who thankfully gets along with our dogs. See you on Tuesday!
Ughhhhhh I remember we had a bomb threat at least twice in my school going years and that is scary as fuck!!! So sorry that you are having to deal with that. Not cool humans, not cool. I have got to watch Making a Murderer. We might get some snow tonight way down here, perfect time to binge on Netflix right??? I hope you have a great weekend!
Nadine recently posted…Friday Favorites
Ugh on the bomb threats and lights to all the evil to turn things around. My hair looks like who did It and ran most days unless I am going somewhere. Lights and Angels for all to be safe and the power stay on. I could take winter if there were no snow or ice ever or dangerous conditions. Stay safe and sound. Love. Steph’s. Momma
The only reason my roommate and I from college watched prison break was because of Wentworth Miller! He’s just so gorgeous! We still haven’t finished watching MAM, but we’re planning on doing it soon. I would have tried to watch it this week, but I’m pretty sure my husband would have been mad if I watched it without him. And I can’t believe that it’s almost time for Show Us Your Books again! I feel so proud of myself for the amount that I’ve read this month!
Ashley @ The Wandering Weekenders recently posted…Five Favorite Things About Universal Studios
We had bomb threats fairly regularly when I was in HS but it was kids trying to get out of school. Teachers literally had us 6 feet away from the school. 🙂 Hopefully, they do catch the jerk and your daughter is doing better. I heard about the big storm headed your way. I remember stocking up on provisions, books and movies to survive big blizzards when I lived in Minnesota. It’s gonna be like 70 today in LA, not that I’m bragging or anything! 🙂 “My alone time is for everyone’s safety.” Word.
Tanya @ A Mindful Migration recently posted…Honoring Martin Luther King, Jr
The alone time picture is SO true for me..so true…
I’ll check out the Making A Murderer stuff.
And I’m bummed that so many artists are dying too. No more, I hope.
Amber recently posted…Unrealistic And Unreasonable Things I’ve Said As A Military Spouse
That procrastination starter pack is awesome. Pinning it.
Pete and I were just talking yesterday about all of the artists that are dying lately. So sad. Can’t they take Bieber instead????
Amanda recently posted…“Work like you don’t need the money!” And some other sayings I don’t agree with.
oh my gosh, can’t believe people are threatening schools and kids, that is horrible and those people deserve to get caught and punished. i don’t understand idiots like that.
yes, seriously to all the people dying. it’s not fair. no more please.
how cool that dean b and his wife followed you in ig! you’re definitely besties now. and oooh a secret announcement, how exciting!
We recently had two bomb threats at the local high school. Luckily none at the elementary school.
But, this week in Book Recommendations (from someone who doesn’t normally recommend books to you): The Girls of Atomic City (http://www.girlsofatomiccity.com/
Great non-fiction about Oak Ridge, TN and the building of the atomic bomb. I think you will really like it. It can be hard to keep track of who is who, but it actually doesn’t matter that much.
erin shanendoah recently posted…This is Why We Need to Talk About Money
Of course you say “You’ve been warned” when mentioning that you post a lot of dog photos on instagram. Go look at my instagram. Look at what I say in the profile blurb about myself. You don’t want to go look”? I say “lots of cat photos; you’ve been warned.” #twinsies
Erin @ TexErin-in-SydneyLand recently posted…Sunday’s Seven Snapshots vol.57: Taronga Zoo
Okay so jetlag had me going “what else are we doing on February 9?” LOLOLOL stop it right now self.
ANYWAY. What book are you waiting on from Dean B’s wife?
SMD @ Life According to Steph recently posted…Thursday Thoughts: readjusting after vacation
I have so much work to do on my end of that project and we still need an image. I had contacted someone to do it and he never got back to me. I’ll have to explore Fivrr. I hope iTunes agrees with our plans to release on the 9th. I guess we can always release the mp3 file in the posts and do it for realz once it’s approved. Or just announce it on that day and then do a special announcement when it’s all up and running.
Oh! The book is called Tampa.