- I made the decision to return A Little Life to the library. It’s a wonderful book so I’m going to buy it and keep on the shelf for the winter. It’s just too heavy for me right now. I’m in the middle of Dietland and picked up three new ones–Ally Hughes Has Sex Sometimes, You Too Can Have a Body Like Mine, and $2.00 a Day: Living on Almost Nothing. I also figured out that I can borrow and loan books from my Kindle app so now I don’t need a Kindle. Hooray for saving money!
- I need to save money because I finally bought a FitBit. I am in love with it and I’m using it to track my sleep as well as my steps. Hopefully this will give me insight as to why I’m so tired all the damn time. The first night I used it, it told me I was restless 11 times. Eleven!!! That’s a whole lot.
- Longmire is FINALLY on Netflix (well, season 4, which I’ve been waiting for for what felt like an eternity)! I can’t even begin to tell you how happy that makes me. Also making me happy from TV land? The return of Project Greenlight! Anyone else watch it? Are you as excited as I am about the new season?
- You know what I forgot to mention in my post about fall? How much I love fall baseball. You know what’s extra exciting about this year? My beloved Mets are still STILL in first place and someone actually used the words “Mets” and “magic number” in the same sentence yesterday. Barring any epic collapse, my boys will get to hang the National League East Division Champions 2015 in CitiField next year!
- Speaking of NY, as today is the 14th anniversary of the September 11th attacks, I encourage you to take a moment to remember everyone who lost their lives that day in New York, Pennsylvania, the Pentagon, and the ensuing wars (if you’re curious about my thoughts, you can read my inarticulate post I wrote a couple of years ago).
- I finally watched Raiders of the Lost Ark for the first time ever. I did not like it. In fact, I forgot that’s the movie I was watching because it bored me so much and this conversation happened:
Husband: Are you even paying attention?
Me: Yes. He stole some shit. Now he’s teaching some shit. I’m all caught up.
Husband: Now they’re talking about the ark.
Me: There’s an ark?
Me: Oh, right.
- Internet reads: Are you Gen X like me (or are you in that weird bubble between Gen X and Gen Y like me)? Then read this post with 29 characteristics of Generation X. Maybe you’re not Gen X but you are creative so maybe check out this infographic of the daily routines of famous creative people. I loved the results of this blogger’s experiment of not complaining for two weeks and it kind of makes me want to try it or one of Gretchen Rubin’s 21 Day Projects (and yes, I’d pay $4.99 for one of her books. I love her). And finally, yesterday was World Suicide Prevention Day, so this post from Buzzfeed about the lies your depression tells you is timely and poignant.
- Re: Depression. It sucks. It’s the worst thing ever, and if you’re dealing with it, please know you’re not alone. And it might not seem like it now but it will get better. Maybe with medication, maybe with therapy, maybe with time, maybe with all three. But it will get better. And please, if you need help, reach out to someone. A professional, preferably. Especially if you’re thinking about suicide. You can find help at 1-800-273-8255 or via the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline website: http://www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org/ Your life matters.
- And thanks to Ali for sharing this which I’ve unabashedly
Have a wonderful weekend! My new couch is being delivered so expect many pictures from my new sitting perspective! You can follow me on Instagram for those.
I’m not sure how Fitbit calculates restlessness, but mine is always surprisingly high. Like anywhere from 20 to 25 times a night. I’m a really light sleeper and I know I roll over quite a bit, but I don’t feel unrested, so I’m not sure what to make of that information.
I was going to try the no complaining thing! But rush hour caught me unaware and before I knew it, some things had slipped out. But it definitely sounds like a good experiment.
Jenn @ Optimization Actually recently posted…Blogger Meetup #2 – Your Invitation!
I’d like to know how it calculates that, too. I know I toss and turn, mostly due to the dogs, but does it count every single time I move as restless? Because that would be completely inaccurate.
I need to do the no complaining. Maybe a good experiment when I get back from Charlotte because I KNOW I’ll be complaining about the heat!
what???? raiders is such an amazing movie!!!!
kathy @ more coffee, less talky recently posted…16 years and counting…..
My husband thinks so, too. I just couldn’t get into it.
Have fun with the fitbit! I’m writing a post for monday about how much would people spend to optimize their health, because I have a couple of those mysterious just not feeling great kinds of things I’d like to get to the bottom of too. We will have to agree to disagree about Raiders. 🙂
Tonya@Budget and the Beach recently posted…Real Money Stories: Living at 30K Feet
When you said “Raiders”, I had to actively remind myself you meant the movie because I could not for the life of me figure out why you were talking to me about football.
I love saving money too! Borrowing Kindle books from the library instead of buying, though I did just buy a real actual book. Haven’t done that in years! Cool that FitBit can also track your sleep which is just as important as your waking hours. Pumpkin Spice, LOL.
I buy a few books a year. I’ve been borrowing Kindle library books for awhile now but I can share any eBooks I buy with friends (and vice versa) which is awesome and something I didn’t think I could do with just the app.
Aww, I think Raiders of the Lost Ark was my favorite Indy movie, lol! But I think we can all agree that the last one with the aliens was the worst, amirite? 😉 LOL at Pumpkin Spice!
Julia @ Grace Makes New recently posted…Things I’m Diggin’ These Days- August
I wouldn’t know because I’ve never seen it! Until last weekend, I’d never seen an Indiana Jones movie.
Hurrah new couch!
Thanks to you I have figured out how to loan, but I don’t get why I can’t loan ALL books – like why I bought the newest Sue Grafton and it’s not eligible to be loaned at this time. RAGE.
I only wrote about September 11 full on once. In ensuing years I’ve written about a paragraph about it. I can’t do a full one again. I feel like we discussed this same thing on 9/11 last year. LOL
SMD @ Life According to Steph recently posted…life, liberty, & the pursuit of happiness
We probably did talk about it. It seems like something we’d talk about.
I don’t know why I can’t loan all the books, either. I feel like if I paid for it, I should be able to share it with anyone I want.
LOLOLOL at pumpkin spice!!!!!!!! $2 a Day sounds like an interesting read!! I am always amazed at how restless I am in my sleep. I am at least 6 or 7 but most nights it is like 10-15. Yikes!!
Nadine recently posted…Friday Favorites
It’s definitely an interested read so far.
I didn’t think I was so restless yet, I am. Good stuff and it’s explaining why I’m so tired all the time.
Gen X – yep, that’s me. I identified with almost all the list. I still wear Docs. No shame. And, that depression lies post was so painfully true.
I haven’t seen Raiders of the Lost Ark in probably 20 years. I wonder if I’d like it.
Erin of TexErin-in-SydneyLand recently posted…Ten Things That Made Me Happy This Week vol.1
I identified with most of the list, too. I loved my Docs. I don’t wear them anymore because I really don’t wear anything that’s not flip flops.
That was my first time seeing it. I don’t care to ever see it again. I also called the third one “Indiana Jones Strikes Back” so you can really tell how interested I am in watching the rest of them.
Yeah on getting a fitbit. We should be friends and challenge each other. Love that the pumpkin spice is the most basic of basic biotches.
Kerry recently posted…Friday Favorites | Organize
YES! Let’s be FitBit friends!
You didn’t like Raiders of the Lost Ark????? YOU DISGUST ME, WOMAN!
Amanda recently posted…2 Simpsons References
I think I disgust a lot of people with the fact that I didn’t like it. Including my husband. He took it as a personal affront.
I didn’t know the Fitbit tracked your sleeping patterns as well. I might need to invest in one for that alone.
Kati Rose recently posted…There’s More to Hozier Than “Take Me to Church”
It does! I think it’s usually on sale on Amazon for $79 (the black and gray bands) and it’s been so worth it thus far.
what—you can borrow and loan on kindle???
elle sees.net recently posted…My Everyday Makeup Routine
A Little Life is so, so good, but very heavy. I thought about it for months. I’m glad you’re picking it up again later. The sleep cycle thing on my FitBit is my favorite thing about it. So yeah, I’m doing it wrong. Haha! I’ve never seen an Indiana Jones movie and don’t know that I ever want to.
Christina recently posted…Late Night