Time. What is it anymore? I legit don’t know because it feels like 500 years since we last had one of these. And I didn’t even realize it was the second Tuesday of the month until halfway through the second Monday of the month.
I don’t know what that says about me but I’m pretty sure it says something.
In any event, it’s Show Us Your Books day and that’s really all that matters.
I do know that since our global grounding, I’ve been reading more than usual. Well, maybe not more but faster. And my schedule hasn’t changed all that much. I’m still working from home, going to the gym (thanks to my gym’s incredible safety precautions, I’m able to do that), and living my life pretty much the same except now I wear a mask everywhere I go (pro tip: you should, too). So why am I reading so much faster?
That remains a mystery.
I do know that this month, I read an overwhelming amount of 4- and 5-star books so maybe that helped? I was skeptical because the first few books after last month’s SUYB left me wondering what was going to happen, but leave it to Brit Bennett and Attica Locke to bring that around.

All told, I read 10 books since the last linkup which now puts me at 49 finished for the year and 7 ahead of reaching my arbitrary Goodreads goal of 80 (I’ve had 2 DNF). I might increase that but probably not. Mostly because it’s a meaningless number. It’s just something I need to set that helps me keep track.
Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport. I don’t have a huge problem with overusing my phone or social media so I read this one more out of curiosity than wanting or needing to learn something. I came away with some takeaways but I don’t know that it’s anything I couldn’t have learned from a few blog posts or podcast interviews.
Two Little Girls by Francis Vick. I think this was a NetGalley read and it honestly wasn’t that great. There were some parts that were interesting but it tried WAY too hard to be a solid thriller and didn’t quite get there.
The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes by Suzanne Collins. The Hunger Games prequel. Blah. So boring for 400 pages, decent for 100, and I have so many more questions than I did before I read it. Haymitch would have made a much better book subject. Snow sucks, and not because he’s evil. He just sucks.
The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett. I don’t know how much more praise I can give this book than it’s already gotten. But like The Mothers, it’s well-deserved. Bennett can WRITE. It wasn’t a perfect book, there were definitely some issues and flaws, but I can’t recommend it enough.
How We Fight for Our Lives by Saeed Jones. This is a primarily a memoir about growing up Black and gay, and you palpably feel his pain in some of his essays. He is a phenomenal writer but, as a warning, there are some graphic descriptions of sex and violence so if that’s not your thing, I probably wouldn’t recommend that you read this particular memoir.
Heaven, My Home by Attica Locke. This book was so good, I don’t even know what else to say. Probably one of my two favorites of the month. I can’t wait to read the third one in the series, provided there is a third one. Which I really, really hope there is.
I Don’t Want to Die Poor by Michael Arceneaux. A collection of essays describing how his student loan debt has impacted all facets of his adult life. He’s very funny, very talented, very smart but some of his pop culture references went over my head. I attribute that to my being an old lady not his writing.
A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson. Such a great YA thriller. Exponentially better than Two Little Girls, which is geared for adults, and that’s partly why people need to stop knocking YA books. I’m super excited to read the second one, even if I can’t get it until February in the U.S. If I had to describe this one better, it’s like Serial + the Maura Murray case + some other fucked up stuff. Maybe it’s more like Sadie lite.
White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo. If you plan to read this book (and white people 100% should), do not get it from the library like I did. Buy it, and commit to reading one chapter a night rather than all at once. It’s a lot to take in and think about and process, and reading it like a novel will do you a disservice. It is uncomfortable to read, especially in the context of your own behaviors, but very necessary.
Deposing Nathan by Zach Smedley. This book broke me into a million pieces. I read it in one afternoon both because of the incredible story, engaging writing, and the fact that it’s YA, but it’s also told in a way that makes it easy to read. I mean, it’s not an *easy* read – there’s homophobia, verbal abuse, and some other triggers – but it’s a story that needed to be told. The other one of my favorite books this month.
Currently reading: Hollywood Park by Mikel Jollet. The fact that he’s in the band Airborne Toxic Event is an added bonus because that is one of the best band names ever.
TL; DR: Add most of these to your TBR, especially Deposing Nathan, Heaven My Home, The Vanishing Half, and White Fragility. As far as the Hunger Games book, wait for the movie because you know that’s coming.
P.S. Many of these will be up and in the SUYBookstore by the end of the month if you want one place to look for them.
All right. Now it’s your turn. Link up and show us your books! Don’t forget to visit my co-host Steph and some of our other friends, and also don’t forget to mark your calendars for August 11 for the next one!
Wow – 10 books! I honestly thought that during Lockdown I’d read more and it just isn’t happening!
Digital minimalism sounds interesting – especially these days when it is easy to spend so much time on our phones.
White Fragility is on my TBR list and thanks for the tip on buying the book and reading a chapter a night.
I’ve been seen reviews and praise for The Vanishing Half online – sounds like a really good book.
There has to be a third book after Heaven My Home- we have to dig into Darrens story!
I’m so disappointed to hear your review on the Hunger Games book– I have that in my basket to read that I just picked up from our library. I love the Hunger Games series and hesitated about the prequel because they just usually aren’t as good as the series themselves.
Joanne recently posted…Friday Favorites: 4th of July and My Birthday
I bought the Hunger Games book when it came out, and it’s still sitting on my shelf unread. Why didn’t I just wait for the library?
Jill K recently posted…Show Us Your Books July (What!?)
I lost track of time and did my post last week. Oops! That’s a good way to approach White Fragility and I think I’ll do just that. Thanks!
Sarah recently posted…Tuesday Book Release Day
I read digital minimalism a while ago and forgot all about it. Also loved the Vanishing Half.
I haven’t heard anything good about Songbirds… such a bummer! I’m still waiting on The Vanishing Half and I know I’ll love that one. I hadn’t heard of Deposing Nathan, but I will have to check it out!
Shea recently posted…books to read {july round-up}
Yours isn’t the first review I’ve read disappointed in the hunger games prequel 🙁 A Good Girls’ Guide to Murder sounds super fun though! And I’ve got White Fragility but want the time to process it. It’ll happen. Thanks for sharing!
Becki recently posted…Show Us Your Books – June 2020
The Vanishing Half is definitely on my TBR! Heaven, My Home sounds interesting too, I am trying to get my Netgalley shelf under control first again. I was doing so well, then requested like 7 books this month.
Nadine recently posted…Books
Ugh that’s what I have been hearing on the HG prequel. Disappointing. Why Snow????
sara recently posted…show us your books – june 2020 reads
I agree about White Fragility – I need a copy! I have heard too many good things about The Vanishing Half and that scares me into thinking I won’t like it like everyone else, but it’s in my stack!
Dara recently posted…Mid Year Book Favorites
I’m getting ready to order Cal Newport’s “Deep Work” in hopes of improving my focus, so it’s handy to hear that his digital minimalism book is skippable. It’s weird, I think I’ve been reading more too despite still working from home. 2020 is like a big psychological experiment.
I had to write all over White Fragility. Definitely good to own a copy if possible!
I am not reading that Hunger Games prequel. The final book was hard enough to choke down with all the extra unnecessary shit in it
Taking your recommendation on White Fragility – am going to get it to have a copy. I don’t want to die poor also sounds great – adding that one too!
YA has some really awesome books/authors and definitely some great mysteries! I’m SO happy to hear that you loved Deposing Nathan. It was one of my absolute favorites last year.
ShootingStarsMag recently posted…Show Us Your Books: Serial Killers to Middle Grade Fiction
I remember reading Digital Minimalism awhile ago.
Mackenzie recently posted…As The Page Turns: July Edition
Loved The Vanishing Half.
I have The Vanishing Half on my kindle and will be reading it soon. I’ve heard such disappointing things about the Ballads of Songbirds and Snakes….I still may have my kids read it though since they enjoyed the series.
“I Don’t Want to Die Broke” sounds like an interesting book – even though it’s meant to be humorous, not sure if I would want to laugh or cry!
Morgan recently posted…Style and Savings Reads: June 2020
At the beginning of all of this I was reading much slower, if at all. Im so pumped when I see that the global grounding (love that) made others read more. The vanishing half is on my read very soon list!
hmm i’m really on the fence about the hunger games prequel. i don’t think i want to read it lol. i loved the vanishing half. so good! i got white fragility from the library but then i bought it because i think it’s one i need to re-read bits of often.
Yes, I love a good YA mystery/thriller so much! I enjoyed Good Girl’s Guide earlier this year, and this month I just read The Cheerleaders, which gave me a lot of similar vibes. The Vanishing Half is definitely going to be in my top 10 for the year. Just so excellent – and I think I’m going to like it even more after I’ve been able to talk to my book club about it. It was a great reading experience, but it’s the type of book that will get even better with more pondering and discussion.
Anne recently posted…wearing lately: heat wave
WELLLLL DANG IT – I’m so bummed to hear the Hunger Games book wasn’t great. I just watched the movie marathon of it & it really got me wanting to re-read the 3rd book again & look for that one. Guess I’ll just stick with rereading #3
I have sadly had the opposite happen to me and haven’t picked up a book in the past two months. I’ve checked out many books and rechecked them out but sadly read none. 🙁 I am looking forward to reading The Vanishing Half once my reading mojo finds it way back to me. While I really enjoyed The Hunger Games overall, I have little interest in the prequel and even less after reading your review. Snow does not interest me AT ALL.
I feel like The Hunger Games should just be left alone at this point. The books were GREAT. The movies were good (I really liked the first two). Now, just let it be. People try to go overboard, insisting on me. That’s not supposed to be how books work, you know?
Absolutely agree that White Fragility needs to be read slowly. I got it from the library, read it too fast, and then bought it so I could re-read slowly. It’s such an important book. I feel the same way about The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes. I absolutely had to read it but I was disappointed. Loved The Vanishing Half.
I’ve been going to the gym, too – I feel that they’re doing a good job.
My book club chose The Vanishing Half for September, but I’ll probably read it sooner than that. We own White Fragility, but my husband is reading it first, which will probably take forever, so I might have to read it after he goes to sleep. I’m currently listening to Saeed Jones’s book on audio. I love his voice.
Gwen recently posted…Showin’ My Books July 2020
You read a lot of books this month! I haven’t heard of these books but I hope you enjoyed them.
Amy recently posted…Books Read In June 2020
Vanishing Half is next up for me, I can’t wait to get into it. Thanks for the tip about White Fragility – that makes total sense, and I want to make sure I absorb everything that I can instead of “rushing” through it like another book.
I’m currently in a book club that’s reading and discussing White Fragility. We’re doing two chapters every two weeks. That’s a little drawn out for my liking, but I appreciate the time we’re give to digest the content. And I think I’ll read it all the way through, then go back to take it chapter by chapter with the group.
The Vanishing Half is everywhere this week! Going to have to pick that one up!
Audrey recently posted…Things That Are More Uncomfortable Than Wearing a Mask….