December. Hanukkah, Christmas, my child’s birthday, and, quite possibly the best part, two Show Us Your Books linkups! This one is our regular, standard one and in just a couple of weeks, we’ll host our annual year-end best of favorites linkup. That one is happening on December 26 so for the first time in (for)ever, we’re having a non-Tuesday SUYB.
And if that’s not enough, we have our annual holiday giveaway this time, too. As a gift from us, we’re selecting one lucky winner to receive both a $25 gift certificate to the bookseller of your choice (can be a big one, a small one, and indie one…whoever you prefer as long as we can buy a gift card online or call and have one mailed to you) and a $25 donation in your name to Read 718, a Brooklyn-based nonprofit dedicated to building strong, confident readers.
So definitely get on that.

As for what I read since the last linkup, it was probably the best overall month I’ve had all year. So that’s cool. I think I rated every book in the 4-star range but that includes some round-ups. Nope. That’s a lie. I gave one book 2 stars. So maybe don’t trust what I say right now.
The Bookshop of the Broken Hearted by Robert Hillman. This was a NetGalley read. It was, quite honestly, terrible. To start, half of it took place during the Holocaust and if you’ve been around here awhile, you know I don’t like those books in general. I missed that in the description that made me request it, so shame on me for that. However, it was a mess, I didn’t care about most of the characters, and I only finished because of the one I did care about. Fun fact: this was the first of three books set in Australia that I read this month. Not sure how that happened.
Ask Again, Yes by Mary Beth Keene. 100% worth all the rave reviews. It hit me in all the places and was not what I expected – in a good way – and I am so, so glad I read it. You will be, too. I have Lindsay’s copy at my house (thank you, Lindsay) and she has graciously said I can pass it along. If you want it, let me know!
All This Could Be Yours by Jami Attenberg. I was not a huge fan of All Grown Up but I didn’t dislike it enough to not give another book of hers a try, and since this is her newest, I figured I’d do that. It was about family and secrets and what happens when an awful, terrible person is dying. The ending was brilliant (at least I thought so).
The Place on Dalhousie by Melina Marchetta. Never have I read a book by this author that I have disliked, and the same goes for this one. Some of the plot felt a bit rushed, but overall, it will sit with you for days after you read it. Oh, and if you’ve read Saving Francesca, you will recognize many of the characters. I love it when books call back to other books. Australia book #2.
The Family Next Door by Sally Hepworth. For reasons I can’t explain, I thought this book was a thriller/murder mystery. It was not. It had mystery elements but it was more about domestic life and secrets and facades. Lots of domestic life books this month and while I didn’t like it as much as Ask Again, Yes or All This Could Be Yours, it was still solid. Australia book #3.
The Shadows We Hide by Allen Eskens. A sort of sequel/follow-up to The Life We Bury, this was probably my second favorite book of the month. It follows Joe Talbert on a search for his unknown father’s murderer, and it does not disappoint. If you didn’t read the first book, don’t worry about it. You can still follow and understand everything that’s going on.
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. Confession: I did this as an audiobook. It was narrated by Sissy Spacek and it could not have had a more perfect narrator. I adore her. Anyway, this was a reread from like eighth grade and I definitely appreciate it differently now as an adult. I’m not at all shocked at how little in our justice system has changed since it was written, but it does make me sad. Also, I totally get why it’s lasted as long as it has and why so many people list it as one of their favorites.
TL; DR: You can’t go wrong with anything I read this month, except maybe the Bookshop of the Broken Hearted. There are better bookish books to read.
Currently reading: Under the Banner of Heaven by Jon Krakauer.
Now it’s your turn! Link up and show us your books! Don’t forget to visit my co-host Steph and some other bloggers. And when you’re done, don’t forget to enter our giveaway.
The only one of these I’ve read is To Kill a Mockingbird!
The Place on Dalhousie sounds good.
Confuzzled Bev recently posted…What I read in November 2019: Part 2
I found Ask Again, Yes at a Little Free Library last month and I can’t wait to get to it!
Jill K recently posted…December Show Us Your Books
Ok, I think might have to finally pick up Ask Again, Yes! The character-driven family stories aren’t always my first choice, but when they’re done right, they’re excellent. I enjoyed Ann Patchett’s new one The Dutch House, which I’d put in that genre as well. Once I get a little time and space from that, I’ll pick up Ask Again, Yes.
And I just finished The Family Next Door as well, and I was also a bit hampered by having the wrong expectations of what it was going to be. Thought it was just ok – characters not nearly as strong and situations not nearly as thought-provoking as The Mother-in-Law, in my opinion.
Anne recently posted…gift grids 2019: family wishes
You guys are so great to do such a nice giveaway! Thanks for being great hosts as usual! I am putting a few of these on my Want to Read list on Goodreads!
sara recently posted…show us your books! november reads
Ask Again, Yes was so good. I felt like, at any moment, the whole story could change and I never knew where everyone would end up.
I havent read to kill a mockingbird in years. I will try the audiobook for that one. Im not big on audiobooks but I do listen to them in the car so at least 1 or 2 books a month are read by audiobook for me.
TO Kill a Mockingbird has been one of my favorite books for years. I have not read it in a while. I might need to get my copy down. I am interested to see what you think of the Jon Krakauer book! My favorite of his is still Into Thin Air. But, I enjoyed Under the Banner of Heaven too.
I’m planning to read Ask Again Yes this month. I’m glad it lived up to the hype for you.
Dara recently posted…10 Favorite Pictures of 2019
I enjoyed ask yes again, I need to pick Allen’s follow up, I loved the life we bury.
I love To Kill a Mockingbird! Just reread it last year but I would bet hearing Sissy Spacek read it would be amazing. Under the Banner of Heaven is disturbing – I enjoy Krakauer’s writing though.
Elizabeth recently posted…Reading Time – December
Yay for a great reading month! TKAM is one of the few books that COMPLETELY lived up to the hype after years. Hepworth’s book is currently on my shelf, she is a favorite of mine. Glad to see continued good reviews for Ask Again, Yes since it finally came in at the library 🙂
Oh I’m glad to hear you enjoyed Eskens latest! That’s the only one of his I haven’t read yet so I’m glad to hear it didn’t disappoint.
I’m so glad you enjoyed Ask Again, Yes. Was afraid I’d hyped it up a bit too much!
I’m glad that you had a pretty good reading month overall! I’m excited for the next link up to see everyone’s yearly faves.
ShootingStarsMag recently posted…Show Us Your Books: Public Libraries, Pumpkinheads, and More!
All This Could Be Yours came in for me at the library, I couldn’t get it, put another hold on it, and now I’ve been waiting for it for a fucking eternity. So annoyed with myself.
Loved Ask Again, Yes!! The Family Next Door was a good one. I really like the author, it felt sort of Big Little Lies-ish to me. I don’t think I have read anything from Marchetta, adding it to my list!
Ohhh, how is Under the Banner of Heaven so far? That one has been on my TBR list forever. I love reading books about cults and true crime.
StephTheBookworm recently posted…Recent Reads: November 2019
I’m not sure why I’ve been hesitant on Ask Again Yes, but all i’ve heard it great things! I think I might need to give it a try!
So glad to hear that you loved Ask Again, Yes – one of my favorite reads of the year, for sure! Sissy Spacek narrating Mockingbird?! I might have to jump on that train, I bet it’s fabulous.
Cheers to your full, busy month, and thank you for another great year of the linkup!
Just sayin’,
I agree with you about the ending of All This Could Be Yours- didnt see it coming!
oy, the first one sounds awful. skipping for sure. so glad you enjoyed ask again, yes. i am saving the place of dalhousie for my flight home, i am so excited!! i’ve never read a sally hepworth book. didn’t think they’d be my jam, but didn’t know she was australian, which instantly makes me want to read her books lol. yay all the australia books! i also did the audio for to kill a mockingbird years ago, Sissy Spacek was the best narrator! so good. did not know The Shadows We Hide was a sequel/follow up, definitely adding to my list.
kristen recently posted…Books Lately
Ask Again, Yes is so going on my Christmas wish list!!!
Cant wait for the annual post – I am always so far behind on books that I get my 2020 reading list from that!
I don’t remember much about To Kill A Mockingbird since I read it in high school, but want to re-read it before diving in to Go Set a Watchmen, which I somehow acquired (no idea where). I thought the Sally Hepworth was a thriller as well, probably because of the first line on GR: “A gripping domestic page-turner full of shocking reveals…” All This Could Be Yours sounds like it has just the right amount of family dysfunction to be good without being over the top… I’m in!
Dani recently posted…November Reads
I haven’t had much time to read this year, unfortunately. I work full time and I’m going back to school to get my MBA. So when I do have time, I really enjoy reading. I love to follow both you and Stephanie for all your suggestions so I don’t waste my limited time on a bad book! My favorite this year was Unsub by Meg Gardiner. All the good thriller parts but done differently than most others today. Love her.
I haven’t read any of these; other than To Kill a Mockingbird which I recently re-read too. I hadn’t read it since high school and I thought it was great to re-read it as an adult which gave me a totally different perspective on it.
Joanne recently posted…Favorite Photos of 2019
man I have had “Ask Again, Yes” on holds for like three months and I swear I don’t move any closer to the front of the line. I’m excited that you think it stands up to the reviews though!
I really liked The Life We Bury so I will definitely add The Shadows We Hide to my TBR.
Mackenzie recently posted…As The Page Turns: December Edition
A couple of those sounded intriguing to me. I’ll have to check out Melina Marchetta. Thanks for sharing – great linky, and thanks for the contest!
Becki recently posted…Show Us Your Books
Ask Again, Yes was a great read! I also enjoyed The Family Next Door. I think I’ve enjoyed every Hepworth book that I’ve read.
I have not yet read Ask Again Yes! I need to get to that one. Agree with you on The Family Next Door. I love Sally Hepworth. She is just the right mix of fluff and drama for me. Pam 🙂
Pam recently posted…What I Read in November 2019