Megan at The Hungry Bookworm tagged me on Twitter about this holiday themed bookish post (which, if I’m being honest isn’t so much holiday themed as it is year in review but whatevs) and since I needed a post idea and never pass up an opportunity to talk about books, I figured why the hell not join in.
There are a few rules including tag some other bloggers but I don’t like to pick and choices are hard so if you want to do this one, go ahead. Make sure you credit Jenniely (here’s her original post) because it was her idea and we give credit where credit is due. Also, we’re supposed to put a check next to the ones we’ve done and an x next to the ones we haven’t but I couldn’t find those so we’ll just write the post without it. Sorry.
Received an ARC and not reviewed it
OF COURSE! What are NetGalley books for if not to hoard and never read? (Just kidding, NetGalley. Please don’t kick me out. I love you)
Have less than 60% feedback rating on Netgalley
Um, hang on. Need to check this one. So, I couldn’t find it but I did discover I’ve forgotten to review a shitload of books I’ve received (again, NetGalley, please don’t kick me out. I love you).
Rated a book on Goodreads and promised a full review was to come on your blog (and never did)
Nope. I don’t review books on Goodreads and all of my reads are first reviewed on Litsy and then again during Show Us Your Books.
Folded down the page of a book
HELL NO. I’m not a monster.
Accidentally spilled on a book
By accident, do you mean “knocked over a glass of water on my nightstand and the books got all wet?” Because if so, then yes. Maybe I am a monster.
DNF a book this year
Sure did. Three or four. Life is too short and my TBR is too long to read a book I’m not interested in.
Bought a book purely because it was pretty with no intention of reading it
Yes and no. I bought a couple of books because they’re my favorites and I just want to look at them on my bookshelf but not necessarily because the covers are pretty. LOOKS ARE NOT THAT IMPORTANT
Read whilst you were meant to be doing something else (like homework)
This is my whole life.
Skim read a book
I actually don’t know but let’s say that I did.
Completely missed your Goodreads goal
I’m an underachiever and set my goal low and I annihilated it
Borrowed a book and not returned it
Actually, no. Not this year anyway.
Broke a book buying ban
I’m an avid library user so if I’m buying a book, it’s for a good reason so book buying bans aren’t something I need in my life.
Started a review, left it for ages then forgot what the book was about
Nope. I review as soon as I’m done because it makes my life, and SUYB recaps, so much easier. I also have this weird thing where I can remember plots and most details except for character names.
Wrote in a book you were reading
No. Again, I read mostly library books and it’s a cardinal sin in my book (ha!) to write in library books. I actually hate people who do and think there’s a special place in hell for them. Especially the ones who correct grammar. WHY DO THEY DO THAT? It’s not like the publisher is going to see the note they wrote in a library book in circulation in Delaware. Or care.
Finished a book and not added it to your Goodreads
How about you guys? How would you answer some of these?
Who are these monsters who dogear a page in books? And who taught them that this is OK?? Anything can be a bookmark. Heck, I’ve used another book as a bookmark before.
I need to do this. So fun.
Not a monster. Haha.,I don’t get the bending of pages thing.
I have thr hardest time doing netgalley just because i read books from the library & dont have time,for more.
Rebecca Jo recently posted…3 Things – Decmeber
This is fun
I know that I’ve, on occasion, dogearred a book or made a mark, but not in a library book. I once added a period to a library book when a sentence was missing it, but only because I read it and it confused me and I realized the issue so I subtly put a dot in there so other readers weren’t confused and thrown off like me. I didn’t use editing marks, though. Just a little dot.
Audrey recently posted…Random December Thoughts
I love this! Glad you enjoyed it

Megan recently posted…My True Love Gave to Me + Chex Mix
Okay, I am a monster. I absolutely bend over the corner of a page to mark my book.
I also am known to eat while reading, so one might occasionally find food smears and chocolate fingerprints in my books. To be clear, though, I don’t do that with library books or books borrowed from friends. I am very respectful to those books! With my own books, I feel the more messed up they are – ripped book jacket, bent page corners, food fingerprints, just shows how I often I reread that book! It’s also possible that I am just a slob! I hate it when people write in library books, whether it’s correcting grammar – seriously, once I checked out a book that some asshat had literally rewrote sentences to their preference – or writing notes. GRRRRR.
Tanya @ A Mindful Migration recently posted…Some Holiday Cheer Because We ALL Deserve It
Page folder when it’s my book AND I WILL NOT APOLOGIZE.
Oh! The library only charged me $2 for the cover Bruce ate. WINNING.
SMD recently posted…TWTW – the one with the christmassing
Love this! Okay, I don’t tend to do it anymore but I HAVE pulled the side of a book down to mark a page. LOL I also like writing in books sometimes but never a library book – like why? That’s really dumb! I’ve DNFed books this year, I believe, but I can’t really remember what. It doesn’t tend to happen much. I never do book buying bans because I don’t tend to buy a ton either. Library love FTW!
ShootingStarsMag recently posted…98 Degrees at Christmas: A Show Review